How To Exchanging The Values of Two Variables

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Problem: Given two variable, a and b, exchange the values assigned to them.
Algorithm development
The problem of interchanging the values associated with two variables involves very fundamental mechanism that occurs in many sorting and data manipulation algorithms. To define the problem more clearly we will examine a specific example.
                Considers that the variables a and b are assigned values as outlined below. That is :

This means variable a contains the value 721, and variable b contains 463. Our tash is to replace the contents of a with 463, and contents of b with 721. We want to end up with the cinfuguration below :

To change the values of a variable we can use the assignment operator. Because we want a to assume the value currently belonging to b, and b too. We could perhaps make the exchange with the following assignment

Where “:=” is the assignment operator. In (1) “:=” causes the value stored in memory cell b to be copied into memory cell a. We started out with the configuration

Then after execution of the assignment a:=b we have

In executing step (2) a is not changed while b takes on the values that currently belongs to a.  The Problem arises because in making the assignment:

It is this value that we want b to finally assume. Our problem must therefore be stated more carefully as:


New value  of b  := new value of a.
To solvethis exchange problem we need to find a way of not destroying “the old value of a”  when we make the assignment

The Steps to do this are:

After these:

It is this value that we need for assignment to b. We can therefore make the assignment             :

                         Now we see that a and b have now been interchanged as required. The exchange procedure can now be outlined.

Algorithm description
1.       Save the original value of a in t
2.       Assign to a the original value of b.
3.       Assign to b the original value of a that is stored in t

Notes on design

1.       The use of an intermediate temporary variable allows the exchange of two variables to proceed correctly.
2.       This example emphasizes that at any stage in a computation a variable always assumes that value dictated by the most recent assignment made to that variable.
3.       Working through the mechanism with a particular example can be a useful way to detecting design faults.
4.       A more common application of exchange involves two array elements (e.g. a[i] and a[j]).